Sunday, July 29, 2007

My history with this series

I first picked up a second-hand copy of First Family as 10 year old and was enthralled right from the start. I immediately purchased Cloud Warrior and Iron Master and then the wait began for the subsequent volumes. I was also lucky enough to find a copy of Dark Visions. Amtrak Wars was a very popular series in New Zealand, Australia and the U.K.

Favourite Moments
The first battle between the Lady from Louisiana and the Clan McCall in Book 1
The She Kargo summoners battle against the Iron Masters and their wheel boats in Book 5

Unexplained mysteries:
Is the over ground still radioactive or is the Family poisoning the Trail Blazers?
Why do Trackers live such short life-spans?
What other resources do the Family have access to – e.g. pre-holocaust libraries etc?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Is the over ground still radioactive or is the Family poisoning the Trail Blazers?"

in the intro to one of the books patrick thanks someone for giving him the idea of the wagon trains poisoning the trackers which indicates that the land is not radioactive.
