Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Federation strategy updates

Thanks to those that have commented so far. Some further thoughts on potential Federation strategy:
1) go after the entire yama-shita river boat fleet with aerial bombardment (similar to attack on river boat in book4). This has 2 main objectives - 1) eliminates or stops the flow of new crossbow bolts and other weapons to the mutes 2) and reduces the ability of the yama-shita clan to project any maritime influence around the great lakes region

2) Use smaller wagon-train configurations to soften up the easier mute clans and leave the main wagon-train fleet for deeper strike raids. Or support the main trains with a couple of smaller trains (that only have say 50 combat troops - and no skyhawks) that can provide multi-prong attacks, back-up points, rescue operations etc. Similar in the way that a modern aircraft carrier battle group is organised with a variety of support ships, or the the smaller aircraft carriers and assualt ships that the marine corps use.

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